Hi Everyone,
Today I was walking the streets of Weybridge promoting Clear Windows Cleaning to anyone who might be in need of a professional and reliable window cleaner.
It was a very productive morning, with some new clients signed up for a regular window cleaning service!
If you met me today in Weybridge but didn't sign up for a regular service, give me a call before 10th February 2014 to sign up for a monthly or bi-monthly service and your 3rd clean will be half price!
#addlestone #ashford #bedfont #chertsey #cleanersurrey #domesticwindowcleanersurrey #domesticwindowcleaningsurrey #egham #englefieldgreen #feltham #gu25tw13 #insidewindowcleaning #interiorwindowcleaningtips #kt13 #kt14 #kt15 #kt16 #laleham #professionalcleaningservice #shepperton #staines #stanwell #sunburyonthames #tw14 #tw15 #tw16 #tw17 #tw18 #tw19 #tw20kt12 #virginawater #waltononthames #weybridge #windowcleanersurrey #windowcleaningsurrey #windowcleaningtips #wraysbury